Title: "St. George." Since the Middle Ages, the life story of St. George, in fact and legend, has symbolized the victory of good over evil. His father died when he was young, and he inherited a large estate when his mother died. He joined the army of the Emperor Diocletian but declared himself a Christian during the Christian persecution and tore down the Emperor's edict in defiance. St. George was tortured and dragged behind horses through the streets but never renounced Christianity. He was beheaded. Many conversions were reported after his martyrdom. By the 6th century, Saint George had become the ideal Christian knight. After the 13th century, art and iconography has celebrated the legend of St. George slaying the dragon.
St. George is the patron saint of soldiers, archers, calvary, chivalry, farmers, field workers, riders, saddlers, military and martial arts and against the plague. "Faithful servant of God and invincible martyr, St. George, favored by God with the gift of faith, and inflamed with an ardent love of Christ, you fought valiantly against the dragons of pride, falsehood, and deceit... Valiant champion of the Faith, assist me in the combat against evil, that I may win the crown promised to those who persevere unto the end." -Prayer to St. George
Artist: Lynn Garlick, Taos, New Mexico. The artist reserves all copyrights.
Media: High quality folk art print decoupaged onto pine board.
Dimensions: 8" x 5 3/8 " x 3/4"
Condition: New.
Speaking of her work, Lynn Garlick says, "The diverse cultures and the landscape of this part of the country deeply and yet unintentionally influenced me both artistically and spiritually. I am nourished by Northern New Mexico's rugged wildness and rawness. The profound devotion found in the different traditions and faiths here are unusual and inspiring."
Moved by the sacred art of the retablos (paintings) and the santeros (saint makers) who made them, Lynn started creating them herself. Lynn hand carves and paints her original designs on the traditionally used Ponderosa pine planks. Then she decoupages high quality prints of her originals onto pine boards in an old school technique used for the Italian altar screens of medieval Europe.
The saints and angels are ready to hang or rest about your home. On the back of each retablo is an inspiring story about the angel or saint. Many of the descriptions also include a prayer. "The saints, angels and prayers have changed and blessed my life. My hope is that they touch and bless others as well."